Corsica Flag France Empire Hayti, Ayiti, Haiti Moorish Flag

The Corsica flag the first France Empire is the original first flag of Moorish Haytian, Ayitien, Haitian that leave and Hayti Spain today, the head of the man Head is a portrays a Moors indigenous original men, in women, we also have the black-red flag our founder father created the Dessalines Empire talking about the original empire French, not the modern kidnapped lighter colored skin humankind you see today talking about the 17thcentury which is the lexifier French us. “The flag of Corsica was adopted by General of the Nation Pasquale Paoli in 1755 and was based on a traditional flag used previously. It portrays a Moor’s head in black wearing a white bandana above his eyes on a white background.”The flag of Corsica was adopted by General of the Nation Pasquale Paoli in 1755 and was based on a traditional flag used previously. It portrays a Moor’s head in black wearing a white bandana above his eyes on a white background. Previously, the bandana covered his eyes; Pasquale Paoli wanted the bandana moved to above the eyes to symbolise the liberation of the Corsican people from the Genoese.’

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