Golden Age of the Moor


The Moor in Africa and Europe: origins and definitions / Ivan Van Sertima — The Moor in Europe: influences and contributions / Ivan Van Sertima — The Moors in antiquity / James E. Brunson and Runoko Rashidi — The empire of the Moors / John G. Jackson — The African heritage & ethnohistory of the Moors: background to the emergence of early Berber and Arab peoples, from prehistory to the Islamic dynasties / Dana Reynolds — The Moor: light of Europe’s Dark Age / Wayne Chandler — Moorish Spain: academic source and foundation for the rise and success of Western European universities in the Middle Ages / Jose V. Pimienta-Bey

Moorish culture-bringers: bearers of enlightenment / Jan Carew — The music of the Moors in Spain (Al-Andalus, 711-1492 A.D.) origin of Andalusian musical art: its development and influence on Western culture / Yusef Ali — The Moors and Portugal’s global expansion / Edward Scobie — Africans in the birth and expansion of Islam / Mamadou Chinyelu — Cairo: science academy of the Middle Ages / Beatrice Lumpkin and Siham Zitler — The Egyptian precursor to Greek and “Arab” science / Ivan Van Sertima — An annotated bibliography of the Moors: 711-1492 A.D. / James Ravell

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