Return of the ancient ones: (the true history uncovered) of the Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Empire


Consideration of feelings and time has been a main concern. Some scholars welcome truth and some do not, unless they themselves have put in. But as an Ancient One said… “My people die for the lack of knowledge.” I believe this: as I believe, “The truth shall set you F-R-E-E!” What we need to do is to set free the mind. We cannot free a mind to seek a true knowledge by putting it under a basket. Knowledge is not a lie, it is truth. Lewis and Clark said we were here when an exploration was made by them for this country. The first white man came to our good area and jotted down a his-story document. Said we were here! Fihol put us on his map and he said we were here and owned the place at the time he made his map. And the Plano said we are the people that made the road, Rio Negro River, as he called it. Now, to “cover up”, we say the Black River. If I want to know if a horse has teeth, I will go to a living horse and open his mouth. And that is what we have done. it took twenty years to find all the pieces. We hope you enjoy it as much as I, the writer has, It is not literature, it is truth. It is in black and white and to read, all over

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