The Resurrection: Moorish Science Temple Of America


Timothy Dingle-EL-Noble Drew Ali takes his place among the few Moorish Science Temple authors and more than holds his own. This book includes various documents on and written by Abe Lincoln. A cyclopedic review of Frederick Douglas circa 1895. Letters from Robert E. Lee, U. Grant and info on Pocahantas. Within the text you will find portions of the Holy Koran Circle (7) rather haphazzardly included without a visable semblance of order. There are many charters, diplomas and letters to various govt. agencies. The book also mentions a “Special Moabitess day” and “Moorish or Ancient forefathers day for Ali” (interesting). He concludes the book with a history of the slave trade and info on Africa. It could of had a more professional edit, but the work is good and well appreciated.The Temple has been silent for too long. So this reprint is a good thing. This book should be read, studied and critiqued as archived material of the movement.

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